It's 2012. Our window of opportunity has arrived. What is your New Vision? Where are we going as a species? We are strong, we are beautiful and we are powerful. It's time for the ultimate manifestation. Beyond our own personal wills and desires lies our deepest connection to the planet, to God/Source and to ourselves. Our survival is in our own hands. It's time to dream and dream big. Expect miracles. Pulse with gratitude and love and receive amazing blessings. Live life with light and ease.
Having control of our own destiny is a little scary. Maybe we have not made the best Life of our Life. If our destiny is in our own hands and not already written by god then, OMG, we might screw it up! That is totally possible but so is just the opposite. Maybe we create something amazing. By simply taking the time to sit down and dream. Write it down or make a collage of your vision of the ideal YOU in the ideal WORLD filled with LOVE. Feel the windows of opportunity open for you everywhere. Expand your ideas about the world and universe and fuel experiences with unlimited potential. SMILE often and to everyone. I had an amazing experience the other day. Over the weekend I had a bunch of unexpected visitors. Several of which stayed the weekend. The house was full of fun and action. The evening rolled around one night and I was pretty beat. I offered to make tea for whoever wanted it as I was making some for myself. Everyone raised their hands kids and all. I filled my little teapot with herbs and boiling water. This particular teapot was made by my grandmother of salted clay. She was an amazing potter. As I was pouring the water I thought to myself, "there is no way I am going to get 10 cups out of this pot". Immediately I thought of the story of Jesus handing out bread and fish from the unlimited basket (please don't get me wrong. I am not a Jesus freak. I love all of the ancient masters: Buddha, Jesus, Mary, Rumi, Michael Angelo, Albert Einstein, Dali Lama, etc.). The tea steeped and I began to pour into my 10 assorted mugs. I started pouring just a little bit into each mug so that everyone would get at least a little bit. I kept pouring and pouring and pouring until everyones mug was full. I put my teapot down, amazed that it filled all these mugs when usually, it only holds about 2 1/2 mugs. I was filled with grace and overwhelmed with tears. I felt so appreciative and in love with everyone that was in my house and that had asked for a cup of tea. "There is enough for everyone, of everything at all times." was a voice in my head. "Awesome", I thought. Where do we go from here?
Shit Yogis, mutha f*ckas. #shityogissay
Author: MarieLiving, loving and teaching in Santa Barbara, CA. Archives
October 2023
Marie Thorne-Thomsen | Guidance |