It's the Summer Solstice as of June 20th at 3:30 PST. We begin to feel its effects both days and weeks prior and days and weeks after. I taught classes both the day before and the day after. Both charged with Solstice energy and both classes totally different. Sunday's class we jumped in and out of time. Focusing on our grounding we were able to connect outside of linear time and space. Today's class narrowed our existence right back into our planet, it's place in the solar system, our solar system with in our galaxy, our galaxy within in our known universe of the milky way. Our milky way with in it's own mega universe reminding ourselves how insignificant we are while at the same time remembering how miraculous our lives are within this paradigm. This is the information that has come about through my practice and teachings. As we take a close look at where we actually exist we can then ask why? How? What is exactly this purpose of life and how can we best live within our earthly construct. Knowing so much as a human beings yet really knowing nothing at all. Let's all open our hearts, open our minds, ground into the earth and dig deep. No matter what you do, no matter how much education you have or don't have, keep a beginners mind, be open to all information as it is presented and remember that the minute you think you are an expert.... BANG!!!! The universe blows your mind or heart into pieces.
I have to admit most of my blogging and moments of inspirational bliss or concern has been happening on Facebook. Now that I have updated my website I am now committing to keeping up here rather than there. I will still be there, but I will be here too... A lot has been happening, a lot. Recently, I had a very direct conversation with God and all the angels and guides that have graced my life. While traveling abroad in a little town in Germany, I found myself sitting in an ancient 13th century church, the St. Elisabeth Cathedral. It was a step back in time and all I could do was sit there and try to imagine the generations of people and the history that sat here before me. After gazing at the ceilings and frescos in German I decided I better do some praying, it has been a while. As in the Catholic tradition that I renounced as a teenager, there were candles available in a corner and an alter to set them on. I liked that idea so I lit some candles and dropped my Euros into the pay box. I wandered around the candles wonder what other prayers were lighting this space? Were they like mine? Then, there was an old desk with a journal on it. A place to write your prayers or thoughts. I liked this idea too so I meandered over and sat down. Of course I wanted to read the other prayers and if I knew German I could have totally ease dropped in this prayer journal but alas, I had to write my own. As is customary in the old Catholic tradition it seems like prayers always turn into confessions and we renounce our misdoings in order to release the mental, emotional and energetic hold they place upon us. There is a sense of freedom in looking at yourself, accepting and moving on. But ultimately, my prayers were not just about me. They turned to the world and the frustrations I feel with the way things are being run. Our political system is a disgrace, our healthcare a corporate commodity and our food system and supply rid with toxic growth from seed to table. Our children are getting Autism on a 1-250 ratio and the clear correlations are not being addressed. In so many ways my heart ached. In many ways I felt ashamed to be human. To be eyes wide open and just ok with it. This was the place to let it all out. Instantly, I could feel the walls talk, these prayers had been said before. The centuries of corruption and suffering, history continually repeating itself. Then, there cometh a peace. The reminder that we are creator beings, that we create our world, our illusion and that we can change and shift it any time we please. It's as if God said, "The ball is back in your court, sweetheart." Ha, thanks God!
Author: MarieLiving, loving and teaching in Santa Barbara, CA. Archives
October 2023
Marie Thorne-Thomsen | Guidance |